Friday 28 April 2017

How Does Critical Illness Affects Our Financial?

First :
Your income akan stop. Sebab? Diberhentikan kerja sebab you are not productive anymore.

Second : 
Your expenses increases. Cause your lifestyle is changing. You need monthly supplements of medicines, and you still need to pay your commitments.

Third : 
Your savings kering. Terpaksa guna duit savings untuk cover up monthly expenses yang tersangkut. Nak saving balik cemana? Income dah takdak.

Fourth : 

You starting to feel frustrated and stressed out sebab duit tak cukup. Pinjam sana sini, hutang keliling pinggang. Problems keep pilling up.

So What Is The Solution?
Protect your income and savings through Takaful.
Peace of mind. In Shaa Allah

*Credit to Shahideen Abd Hakim

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